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 ▀▀▀██▀▀▀▀▀▀█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀                                                                                                           ▀  ▀  ▀   ▄ ▀     
    ██       ▀█▀                                                                                                                       ▀ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▀         
   ██         █                                                                                                                        ▀ ▀ ▀             
   ██         █   ▄█████████████▄   ▄████████████▄  █████▄▄██████▄  █████████████████  ▄████████████▄   ▄████████████▄  ██████    ██████ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ 
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   ██         █  ██████     ██████ ██████    ██████ ██████   ██████ ██████    ██████  ██████    ██████ ██████▄          ██████    ██████                 
   ██         █  ██████▄                    ▄██████ ██████   ██████          ██████            ▄██████ ██████████████▄  ██████   ▄██████                 
   ██         █  █████████████████ ▄████████▀██████ ██████   ██████         ██████    ▄████████▀██████ ▀███████████████ ▀████████▀██████                 
    ██        █  ██████            ██████    ██████ ██████   ██████        ██████     ██████    ██████          ▀██████           ██████                 
     █▄   ▄█  █  ██████            ██████    ██████ ██████   ██████       ██████      ██████    ██████ ██████▄  ▄██████ ██████    ██████                 
      ▀████   █  ██████            ▀███████▄▀██████ ██████   ██████      ██████       ▀███████▄▀██████  ▀████████████▀  ██████    ██████                 
              █  ██████                                                                                                 ▀██████████████▀                 
                                           ┌─┘                       F7 Creative Works                      └─┐                                          
                                      ─ │ ┘        Date: [01.01.00]            Cracker: [  fan7asy  ]          └ │                                       
                                     ·┐ :         Where: [https://fan7asy.com                       ]            : ┌·                                    
                                      └─│── ─  [ ] Patch  [ ]  Serial#  [ ] Key Gen  [ ] Crack  [ ] CDCheck  ─ ──│─┘                                     
                                      ─ │ ┐    [ ] Util   [ ]  Game     [ ] App      [X] Other: HTML           ┌ │ ─                                     
                                      ┌└─┘┐                                 │                                   └─┘                                      
                                      ┌──────·─── ── ─┐                     │                                                                            
                                      : Release Notes : ────────────────────:───────────────────────────── ─── ──·─                                      
                                      └─·── ─── ──────┘                     ∙                                    │                                       
                                      └ │ ┘                                                                      │                                       
                                        │   My name is Blake. I am a dedicated cybersecurity professional with   │                                       
                                        │   expertise in network security, incident response, threat analysis,   │                                       
                                        │   and automating cybersecurity tasks, committed to safegaurding info   │                                       
                                        :   systems and networks enterprise-wide. This is my website to curate   :                                       
                                        │   my programs, music, socials, & more. Don't hesitate to contact me.   │                                       
                                        │                                                                        │                                       
                                        │                                   .                                    │                                       
                                       .│                                   :                                    │.                                      
                                       : ┌─ ── ─── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ :                                      
                                      ─│─:                      . .. :: [ Links ] :: .. .                       :─│─                                     
                                       │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─── ── ─┘ │                                      
                                      ┌│┘                                                                        └│┐                                     
                                      ┌│┐       [ github ........................................ ACTIVE ]       ┌│┐                                     
                                      │││       [ spotify ....................................... ACTIVE ]       │││                                     
                                      │:│       [ instagram ..................................... ACTIVE ]       │:│                                     
                                      │││       [ soundcloud .................................... ACTIVE ]       │││                                     
                                      └│┘                                                                        └│┘                                     
                                      ┌│┐ ─ ──·──── ─────────  -=-=-=∙·   Works    ·∙=-=-=-  ─────────·──── ── ─ ┌│┐                                     
                                      │││                                                                        │││                                     
                                      │:│       [ f7 eq .............................. minimal 3-band eq ]       │:│                                     
                                      │:│       [ f7 mbcomp ............... minimal multiband compressor ]       │:│                                     
                                      │││       [ fan7asy.com ...................... you're already here ]       │││                                     
                                      └│┘       [ sixcell.store ........... official website for sixcell ]       └│┘                                     
                                       │:                                                                  ┌·┐   :│                                      
                                      ┌│┘             ┌────┐               ┌──·──────────────┐       ┌───────┘   └│┐                                     
                                      ─ ──·───·────────────│─────────────────────────────────│─────────────·─── ── ─                                     
                                       │         ┌────┘    :           Statement             :       │            │                                      
                                      ─·── ───·────────────│─────────────────────────────────│───────────── ───·──·─                                     
                                       :         └─┐       └──────────────·┘                 └───────┘            :                                      
                                       ·         └·┘                                                              │                                      
                                       .         God dwells in thee - Clouded and shrouded there doth sit         │                                      
                                       :         the Infinte embosomed in a man  -Emerson, Gnothi Seauton         │                                      
                                       │                                                                          │                                      
                                       │    Walk the steps towards enlightenment to access the power of seeing    │                                      
                                       :    infinite truth. Thinking deeply is the secret to awaking from this    :                                      
                                       ·    nightmare and truly being alive. Within yourself is unspoken power    ·                                      
                                       .                         waiting to be unlocked.                          .                                      
                                       :                                                                          :                                      
                                       │                                                                         │                                      
                                      ┌│                                                                          │┐                                     
                                      ∙ Nfo Header By: fan7asy                              Last Updated: 05.04.24 ∙                                     
                                      : Layout By: strike light / fan7asy / hortau            WWW: www.fan7asy.com:·                                     
            ▄█▀▀█   ▀██                                    ▀                    
          ▄█▀   █    ▀██                                   ▀      ▀             
         ▄█▀    █     █▀                                   ▀     ▀     ▀        
        ██      █                                          ▀    ▀    ▀          
       ██     ▄███▄                                        ▀   ▀   ▀     ▄      
   ▀▀▀██▀▀▀▀▀▀█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀                              ▀  ▀  ▀   ▄ ▀        
      ██       ▀█▀                                         ▀ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▀            
     ██         █                                          ▀ ▀ ▀                
     ██         █   ▄████████████████▄  ████████████████████ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀    
     ██         █  ███████▀    ▀███████ ███████      ███████                    
     ██         █  ███████      ███████ ███████     ███████                     
     ██         █  ███████▄                        ███████                      
     ██         █  ████████████████████           ███████                       
      ██        █  ███████                       ███████                        
       █▄   ▄█  █  ███████                      ███████                         
        ▀████   █  ███████                     ███████                          
      ┌─┘                    Fan7asy Creative Works                    └─┐      
 ─ │ ┘        Date: [01.01.00]            Cracker: [  fan7asy  ]          └ │   
·┐ :         Where: [https://fan7asy.com                       ]            : ┌·
 └─│── ─  [ ] Patch  [ ]  Serial#  [ ] Key Gen  [ ] Crack  [ ] CDCheck  ─ ──│─┘ 
 ─ │ ┐    [ ] Util   [ ]  Game     [ ] App      [X] Other: HTML           ┌ │ ─ 
 ┌└─┘┐                                 │                                   └─┘  
 ┌──────·─── ── ─┐                     │                                        
 : Release Notes : ────────────────────:───────────────────────────── ─── ──·─  
 └─·── ─── ──────┘                     ∙                                    │   
 └ │ ┘                                                                      │   
   │   My name is Blake. I am a dedicated cybersecurity professional with   │   
   │   expertise in network security, incident response, threat analysis,   │   
   │   and automating cybersecurity tasks, committed to safegaurding info   │   
   :   systems and networks enterprise-wide. This is my website to curate   :   
   │   my programs, music, socials, & more. Don't hesitate to contact me.   │   
   │                                                                        │   
   │                                   .                                    │   
  .│                                   :                                    │.  
  : ┌─ ── ─── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ :  
 ─│─:                      . .. :: [ Links ] :: .. .                       :─│─ 
  │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─── ── ─┘ │  
 ┌│┘                                                                        └│┐ 
 ┌│┐       [ github ........................................ ACTIVE ]       ┌│┐ 
 │││       [ spotify ....................................... ACTIVE ]       │││ 
 │:│       [ instagram ..................................... ACTIVE ]       │:│ 
 │││       [ soundcloud .................................... ACTIVE ]       │││ 
 └│┘                                                                        └│┘ 
 ┌│┐ ─ ──·──── ─────────  -=-=-=∙·   Works    ·∙=-=-=-  ─────────·──── ── ─ ┌│┐ 
 │││                                                                        │││ 
 │:│       [ f7 eq .............................. minimal 3-band eq ]       │:│ 
 │:│       [ f7 mbcomp ............... minimal multiband compressor ]       │:│ 
 │││       [ fan7asy.com ...................... you're already here ]       │││ 
 └│┘       [ sixcell.store ........... official website for sixcell ]       └│┘ 
  │:                                                                  ┌·┐   :│  
 ┌│┘             ┌────┐               ┌──·──────────────┐       ┌───────┘   └│┐ 
 ─ ──·───·────────────│─────────────────────────────────│─────────────·─── ── ─ 
  │         ┌────┘    :           Statement             :       │            │  
 ─·── ───·────────────│─────────────────────────────────│───────────── ───·──·─ 
  :         └─┐       └──────────────·┘                 └───────┘            :  
  ·         └·┘                                                              │  
  .         God dwells in thee - Clouded and shrouded there doth sit         │  
  :         the Infinte embosomed in a man  -Emerson, Gnothi Seauton         │  
  │                                                                          │  
  │    Walk the steps towards enlightenment to access the power of seeing    │  
  :    infinite truth. Thinking deeply is the secret to awaking from this    :  
  ·    nightmare and truly being alive. Within yourself is unspoken power    ·  
  .                        waiting to be unlocked.                           .  
  :                                                                          :  
  │                                                                         │  
 ┌│                                                                          │┐ 
 ∙ Nfo Header By: fan7asy                              Last Updated: 05.04.24 ∙ 
 : Layout By: strike light / fan7asy / hortau            WWW: www.fan7asy.com:· 